Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Hi Cooper, sorry it has taken me so long to update you on the latest, but a lot of strange things have been happening, and most of them are too strange even for me to believe!
Going back to when we last saw each other at JFK, I finally understand why papa was carrying around my crate all over the airport…I ended up inside it, and some strangers took me in a “hotel room” with lots of luggage…uhmmm I thought I had ordered first class accommodations…I must get back to my travel agent about this!
After what it seemed like a lifetime, and several strangers moving me in and out of my hotel room, I finally saw mommy and Jazzi, and was I happy about that, I licked mommy all over and even got a few very light nips here and there! They took me outside and I spotted a few weed beds…. here they landscape with weeds. At first I was too stiff from the trip to lift up my leg, which brought out a comment from M. Teresa as to the style of peeing, then to my dismay nothing came out of my nozzle! I tried and tried, but I had held it for so long that my pee muscle would not relax. Of course that prompted * another* comment about how Charlie could show me a thing or two…..well, right around that time my muscle relaxed and I could have shown Charlie and any other champion pee-er a few things!!! The floodgates opened up and I lefft my mark ALL OVER the Elmas airport, dogs will be marveling for generations about the master pee-er and the copious amounts of pee he left behind! After a brief stop at Toni's 's house, we finally got to home, and a nice home it is, very nice and comfy. I have my crate in mommy's room as usual and I dine in the veranda. I get to stay outside as much as I want, and have free run of the house and yard. I RULE from the corner of the veranda and keep an eye on the goings on from there and from the gate "windows". I too a walk around the neighborhood, and I find that the dogs around here are quite stupid, all they do is bark, bark, bark....My neighbor takes the stupidity award, he is so stupid, he barks at anything that moves. His master has not learned much from last year, as he is still yelling "zitto" but not doing anythind about it! Dogs like that one give us all a bad reputation!
Yesterday mommy and Jazzi took me to the biggest bath tub I have ever seen...water as far as the eye could see! At first I was a bit scared...I'm still a puppy after all! But then I became intrigued by the waves goinck and forth...uhmmm ..maybe I could try getting one paw wet...oh no! It's coming after me...back up...back up!!!. Maybe if I bark at it I might scare it...bark, bark, bark,...oh, no there is no getting away from it, it won't back down! Jazzi is still throwing the ball, and it would be so much fun to catch it...should I try it? Should I? Oh what the heck, it look like too much fun to be fainthearted, I'll give it a try! Oh my gosh, it IS fun, lots of fun, I feel like a gazelle frolicking in the water, running back and forth and back again.....I love it, I love it, I love it!!!!!

Coop, you should smell the smells, and taste mommy's plants around here, she keeps yelling at me, but I keep trying,...a little bit of dirt, a little bit of succulents.....
The food here is good, chicken and rice for the first few days, today it was lamb and rice...not bad. Everyone keeps complimenting me, and commenting on how handsome I look, I also impressed them with my hunting skills when I stalked a bird at Toni's....boy I would have loved catching him! It is sunny and 75 in the shadow, under the sun it is nice and hot, I'll lay down a bit in the veranda, and then go inside in the cool tile..ahhh...what a life! Wish you were here!


SwissKnits! said...

Hey Rupert!
Long time no hear!! Glad you are having fun in Sardinia. Yea, I knew all about what was going to happen to you, but was sworn to secrecy...
Today I took my kids to the park while Mommy looked at her new knitting books... looks like she will be keeping busy this summer.

Pictures Rupert, Pictures... they are so important... I want to see if you changed!! Oh speaking of change go to Shirley and John's site, they have pictures of the new puppies... can you believe that we looked like that just 7 months ago?? Little Lumps O Love...
Gotta get the kids to bed... miss you Bro!! Pound It!!

SwissKnits! said...

King of the Hill!!!!!