This is Sadali, a little town in Sardinia famous for it's caves, "The caves of the Fairies " or Jannas in the local language. the town is very peaceful, an Assisi look alike, very old fashioned and quaint, and...has several B&B's believe it or not!!

Sadali was holding the "Ravioli" Feastival with demonstration and degustation of the famous ricotta and mint ravioli. Well, because of the siesta time of the promoters and the fact that supper is quite late in Sardinia...even when the whole purpose is to let the visitors TASTE the feasted food, we never tasted the famous ravioli!!!
We were rewarded with a demonstration of ravioli and gnocchi making by the cutest little ol' ladies...the one in the middle was the feistiest and out demonstrated all the others!!!!

Look who's watching very attentively.....will she be making ravioli for us soon???

Demonstration of ricotta making...the old fashioned way! It was the best tasting ricotta I ever tasted!

Sadali has some famous falls which prompted our trip to see them, actually because a long standing drought, and lack of rain in the previous months, it turned out to be not very spectacular, but we were rewarded by many quite beautiful ones throughout the town. This is one of the most spectacular.

Before visiting the falls and touring the caves, we had a real nice pick nick, wonderful forest setting...rustic rock tables...good food, and the smell of the Mediterranean brush...mmmmm!

Grandpapa teaching the kids how to hoot like a mourning dove....not a good idea! That sound from the real and the grandkids ones, tortured us all summer long!

Going down to see the falls...

..and down....

...and down...we finally got tired and three quarters of a kilometer down all the girls decided to give up. Grandpapa and Evan kept going and saw the famous falls..... actually they were more a trickle due to the drought!!!!
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