This is the "Fregula with Clams" A super tasty Extra Large couscous type pasta, with a tomato, wine, clam juice sauce...ummmm!!
I contributed a few American treats, Peach Pie and Salsa with bruschetta. As they say here, it went "a ruba" (translates as if they stole it). Apparently the good soul who ate the last piece of pie covered the plate just to let others think there was more...someone was left sorely disappointed!
No one looks at the camera when there is such good food around!
I used to looooove this bird delicacy when I was young, but I got out of the habit and stayed away from them this past years. Yesterday I was tempted again, and I know remember why I loved them so much, the mirtle flavor makes these birds quite tasty, definitely "finger licking good" BTW there is no other way to eat them but with your fingers!!!
This is my brother's pride and joy, the old fashioned oven, not the pig! Well maybe also the pig! They just built it and it's getting quite a bit of use.
Patrizia's mom, quite a good cook, did not come from Sanluri empty ended, this is but one of her contributions to the meager meal, ducks cooked with rosemary and oranges among other things...delicious!!!
Tony's "piece de resistance" the roasted sucking pig in a bed of mirtle. but, please do not even think that this was the extent of the meal, this is only what I could roll out of the chair to photograph! the lasagna was not even touched, fruit salad, sorbet, pie....