Monday, November 30, 2009
Thursday morning, Zsolt and Marisa playing cards as we prepare the turkey.
Rupert and Cooper sweet! This is after they tried to take a chunk off each other!
Michelle finished the Santa hat for Marisa, and doesn't she look cool and sweet!
A view from the second floor, while we are sweating in the kitchen grandkids and dogs are sprawled in the great room....they don't look too worried about dinner!
Julia and Rupert...I think... why worry about cooking when you can lounge with your favorite dobie!
Dylan and Rupert...for sure
Marisa and .....?
Julia and Rupert
Hello' Dylan and Evan!
Edwin preparing the broth for basting and eventually for the gravy, we begin cooking on the day before Thanksgiving when we boil extra necks, wings, liver etc, we also make the pies and cranberry sauce. This year, Michelle made the cranberry sauce and a pumpkin meringue pie; I made sweet potato and raisin pies.
Grandpapa tossing the stuffing, must make sure is just right before stuffing the turkey!
While everyone cooks or lounges the dogs play, and play, and play!
Time to stuff the turkey!
...almost done...
Just a few more handfuls and....
It's ready to go into the oven....finally!
Cooper takes advantage of the confusion and eats Rupert's food and drinks his water!!!
Then they both inspect the floor for crumbs...
Mimas rubbing a little olive oil on the turkey's chest just before putting it in the oven.
TA...ta...ta...ta!!!!! The finished product! Two days' work all leading up to this!
A little carving and...
Dinner is served!!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
We have just come back from the Bloomburg dog shows and have a permanent grin on our faces, I think it will last a while because Rupert made us so proud!
Saturday 31 October, Back Mountain Kennel Club, this is the American Bred line up, Rupert in the middle with Colleen.
The Judge, Dr.Donald A. Gill examining Rupert.
Colleen staking him, one more turn around the ring and the First Place Blue ribbon will be his...he will rest for a while and then....
...back in the ring for Winners, Rupert is being handled by a complete stranger (peach jacket) as a favor to Colleen who in handling a Special. See that little bitch right behind him, #24? She will Take Best of Winners and go on to the Working Group competition.
One more look at Rupert.
Here is is at the "podium" posing for Winner Dog, one blue and one Purple ribbon, 2 points.
Sunday November 1, Back mountain Kennel Club, Am. Bred. lineup.
The Judge, Mrs.Patti Widick Neale checking the boys... Colleen has the red hat.
...Taking his turn around the ring... and pretty soon getting his second win
Picking up the Blue Ribbon from the judge: thank you Mrs. Nealy!
Back in the ring for Best of Winners, again the handler is unknown to him, but he is behaving.
Rupert, and Shirley with Helium, they both won their class, and since Colleen couldn't clone herself, Shirley pitched in.

Getting ready for the judge...
(I stand nicely and they feed me liver, not a bad gig)!
One more run around the ring and the Winners and Best of Opposite sex will be his, and we sat there stunned!
Posing for picture (Boy I could really get to like this!)
The booty!
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