What do you think? Colleen sure knows how to make you look at your best!
A few weeks ago my people brought me back to Sue Ann DVM to get adjusted, she said that unlike the last time, when I had only one good leg and three bad ones, this time I had only one bad leg and it felt so
gooood to be manipulated and have all my parts adjusted!

We met Shirley and John at the training center and I was very happy to see
Helie again, Argon was also there and I got
re-acquainted with him, I had not seen him since the day when we both went to our respective homes.

Here I am
checking out my brother Argon. I was'n sure right at first....but then that good ol' Triadel sent confirmed that it was indeed my brother!

It was so good to see Argon after so much time, I told him about our brother Cooper and how he could not get away to join us because of "family responsibilities", he's got three kids you know!!!
Helie is in the background with Shirley, she's lucky because she has Argon as guest and they play all day long!
Querva came out for a walk, we said hello and took some pictures of her, she is so gorgeous and such an accomplished dog that it makes us very proud of being related.

I was also very happy to see Colleen again, she will be showing me soon and I love the way she handles me, and how she makes me shine!

Look at
whaooo!!! What a beautiful sister I have!!! She had just taken First Place at the Harrisburg Show, unfortunately the judge did not look at the puppies when they went back in the ring, but with that body and all the work that Shirley does with her, you can bet that she will be noticed soon.

Argon has been staying with Shirley for a while, and was so happy to see his mommy, here he is showing his stuff. All and all it was a wonderful trip, lots of fun
seeing all my
littermates and their people, and especially getting ADJUSTED...