Rupert has just returned from a four days show in Cleveland, we joined him, Colleen, and Shirley for the the last three days.
We had high expectations, since it was supposed to be a BIG show with lots of vendors and dogs. Well, the vendors were there, but the dobermans weren't. No dogs, and judging that left exhibitors shaking their heads in disbelief, made it for a huge disappointment. For our part, we looked on the bright side: Rupert had four days of very good training, improving everyday and establishing a relationship and routine with Colleen that will help him in the January shows. He also came away with a Reserve Winners, and Winner Dog for one point. All and all, I don't think it is too bad for our little boy who basically started his career this past October!
Above is Rupert standing for examination. he's pretty well behaved considering that he is not too crazy about his backside being checked out!